Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

I know I said I would share a couple chicken recipes, and I still will, but I'm currently marinating chunks of top round in garlic, rosemary, olive oil, sea salt, and freshly cracked black pepper. It smells wonderful. I mention the pepper because I have this amazing pepper grinder that my husband got me at Williams-Sonoma a few years ago. It makes for a really coarse grind - truly cracked peppercorns - a wonderful pepper experience. Then there's the rosemary. I love the smell of fresh rosemary and we have a huge clump - not sure if that's the right term, it's more like a bush - in our backyard. So, garlic, rosemary, black pepper, and well, I'm not the biggest beef fan, but it's Father's Day...

We're planning to grill simple beef kabobs with sweet onion and bell pepper (red and green) for our special dinner tonight. No recipe to share because I'm just winging it.


OK, so I don't have much experience cooking beef. The kabobs looked great, smelled great, seemed to be cooked perfectly, but they sure gave my jaws a workout and weren't very flavorful either. Apparently, top round (london broil) is not the right cut for kabobs. I'm now being told it should be cooked more slowly, so it has time to tenderize. Oh well - don't ask me for tips on cooking beef anytime soon. Hope your dinner was better than mine!

1 comment:

  1. Yup, go for sirloin when you grill kabobs. If you do use a round steak of any kind it calls for very slow cooking and very thin slicing. Your pepper grinder sounds great. Since we're talking about Father's Day dining here, and since I'm your father, I'll tell you we ate wonderful left-overs yesterday. Nothing like good left-overs. I'd cooked a couple of whole oregano chickens a couple days ago and a wonderful chuck roast stew on Saturday (very, very slowly -- almost 6 hours), we had terrific food from the frig to eat. Keep blogging. I'm excited about your chicken recipes. DAD
